Frequently Asked Questions 

Who is the Property Manager? 

Silver Creek is self-managed

Contact us at: 

Silver Creek Homeowners Association 

1732 W 540 N #163

St. George, UT 84770

(435) 414‑1817 

HOA Dues 

Currently, $240 per month

Includes water, yard/lawn maintenance, use of facilities (clubhouse, pools, spa, exercise room, common areas) and HOA property insurance on the structure of their home. 

Homeowner is responsible for $10,000 deductible on any insurance claim made. 

See below for more details.

Monthly Dues payment 

Autopay through direct payment from your bank is available and the preferred method.

Silver Creek Homeowner Portal to set up month-to-month autopay.

Autopay setup is detailed in the new Homeowner Welcome Packet.Billing statements are not issued.Payment is due on the 1st of each month.Payment is late if not received by the 5th. Contact any representative of the HOA board for more 

Property Manager &/or Board of Trustees contact info

Silver Creek Homeowner Portal 

Homeowner Portal is hosted by PayHOA 

Silver Creek Homeowner Portal can be used for:

  • Paying Homeowner HOA Dues
  • General HOA Requests
  • HOA Maintenance Requests
  • Architectural Review Requests
  • View Silver Creek Homeowner directory 
Documents-->Resident's Directory-->Residents List-->View Silver Creek Homeowner Portal is the preferred mode of contact.or email:  SilvercreekBoardMembers@gmail.comor (435) 414-1817 

Homeowner Portal — new account setup

New Homeowners will receive a Welcome Packet with instructions on how to set up their account.

Silver Creek Residents Facebook Group 

Search Facebook for St George Silvercreek Neighbors or 234551309677599 private group for residents to have non-HOA related discussions

Pool/spa hours 

am‑10 pm  Every day

Water aerobics, 9‑10 am

Lap swimming, 10‑11 am

Clubhouse hours 

7 am‑10 pm  Every day

Clubhouse, pool, & exercise room key 

Clubhouse Key Agreement 

Print & fill out Key Agreement form & submit to any Board Member. 

$40 refundable deposit required.

$100 fine for loss or misuse of the key. 

Clubhouse usage — Personal/Group/Family events 

Clubhouse Request/Agreement for form, pricing and protocols.

Clubhouse Wi-Fi password 

Wi-Fi SSID & Password is on the Silver Creek Homeowner Portal 

Lawn mowing/Landscape maintenance

Green Keepers Landscaping & Lawn Care are contracted by Silver Creek HOA and scheduled to service our community two days per week - Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Weather permitting, all lawns (front, side and back) will be mowed and edged.

Only during the growing season (February - October).

Fertilizer and Weed Control will be applied twice a year to all lawns (front and back).

All trees and shrubs (up to 10' tall) will be pruned in the Spring and Fall (twice per year) both front yards and back yards.

Water timer adjustment 

Water timers are only adjusted by the Property Manager. 

Use Homeowner Portal to notify HOA of watering problems.

Water shutoff  

Look for a whole house shutoff valve.

Usually, it is in the garage by the water heater. 

Water Shut off page gives more details.

Watering when I am not home 

Water for landscaping is maintained by the HOA and during the growing season is automatically set and monitored by the HOA through our Landscaping service provider. 

Mailbox key 

The previous owner may have left the keys in the home

or your Real Estate agent may have them. 

Post Office (St. George) can install a new lock and provide keys. 

Contact the Postmaster directly for information. 

USPS - St. George Downtown 

180 N. Main St., St. George, UT 84770-9998 (3.0 miles)(435) 673-9549 Mon-Fri  8:30am-5pm  Sat 8:30am-1pm  Sun closed 

Home Interior remodels 

All modification to the exterior of a unit, including landscaping and repainting, must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. 

Interior changes not visible from exterior do not require approval.

Landscaping or Architectural changes 

Architectural Review Application  

Copies are also available in the clubhouse.

Approved paint colors 

The board has approved only one color.

Sherwin Williams Sand Dollar (SW 6099)

Sherwin-Williams Paint Store 

1007 W Sunset Blvd, St George, UT 84770-7282 (1.4 miles)Sample paint chips available from Sherwin-William Paint Store.Don't guess.  Sample chips are free at Sherwin-Williams.  Home Depot / Ace / Lowes / other paint supply stores should be able to match the color based on the chip. 

What insurance do I need? 

Maintaining sufficient insurance is the responsibility of the homeowner and each homeowner should purchase a personal home insurance policy.

Contact your insurance provider and let them know your HOA provides home structural coverage with a $10,000 deductible.

Your personal home insurance should cover that deductible and all personal belongings and furnishings in your home, and Personal Liability.

If you make upgrades or improvements to your home, you should keep detailed records in the event of a covered loss.

Proof insurance for myself or mortgage holder 

Silver Creek Townhomes Association (HOA) insurance docs are listed below.

HOA Insurance Summary and Certificates 

(Scroll down the linked page to see all three.)

Ask your personal insurance provider for a certificate of coverage for your personal insurance policy.

Special Assessment

If the monthly dues do not cover all the operating expenses or if additional funds are needed to fund a special need, the Board may approve a Special Assessment in addition to the regular monthly dues.  

Reserve Fund 

The Reserve Fund accumulates money from regular monthly dues to cover known &/or expected future costs of repairing, replacing, or restoring common areas, e.g. roads, clubhouse, pools, etc. 

Amount set aside in the Reserve Fund is evaluated annually.

Reinvestment fees 

An HOA fee charged to a new home buyer at the closing of an HOA home purchase.  

Silver Creek HOA does NOT charge a Reinvestment Fee. 

Neighborhood/Common Area Pest Control 

Bug Blasters Pest Control sprays all common areas and the outside perimeter of all homes on a Quarterly basis.   

Usually the 3rd week of March, June, September & December.

They offer a discounted price ($12) to spray the interior of your home on the same day that they service our community.

Watch for signs that will be placed at the entrances of the community announcing the exact day they will be servicing Silver Creek homes and call their phone number to get on their schedule for that day

(435) 229‑7701 

How many homes are in Silver Creek? 


All units have secluded backyards.

Is Silver Creek a Senior Community? 


Silver Creek is a community of individual family homes with residents of all ages.

Are Rentals allowed? 


All leases, rentals, subletting of any kind are prohibited. 

You may not be an Airbnb, VRBO, or any other kind rental host.

RV Parking 

All streets in Silver Creek are private (not public) streets.

There is no parking of Recreational Vehicles or commercial vehicles on Silver Creek streets or parking spaces.  Pickup-size work trucks are allowed.

Temporary (>8 hours) parking by service providers/movers is ok. 

Can I have pets? 

Yes.  Two or less household pets are welcome.

Yard Sales 

Yard/Garage/Estate Sales are permitted only under special circumstances.  

An Exception Request must be approved by the HOA Board of Trustees prior to Yard Sale.

Silver Creek  Zip+4 postal zip codes 

Silver Creek Townhomes9 digit Zip Code by unit numberUnits 1 -16.........84770-1614Units 17-32........84770-1615Units 33-48........84770-1619Units 49-64........84770-1621Units 65-80........84770-1622Units 81-96........84770-1623Units 97-112......84770-1624Units 113-128....84770-1625Units 129-144....84770-1635Units 145-162....84770-1637

Trash pick up 

Every Wednesday as early as 7:00 am.

BluCan (Recycling) every other Wednesday.

Trash Collection Service Schedule/Calendar/Holidays This link is the authoritative source on schedule information, particularly on/near Holidays. It shows both regular and BluCan service on their calendar.  Be sure to check the Holidays link.Use:  1732 W 540 N, 84770 

Washington County Solid Waste (WCSW) can be reached at:

(435) 673‑2813 

Collection Services are currently contacted with: 

Republic Services 

(435) 628-2821 

Mon-Fri  7:30am-5pm  Sat-Sun closed 

BluCan / Recycle Bins

BluCans are for recyclable cardboard boxes, plastics, aluminum beverage cans, metal food cans, and mixed paper like junk mail, magazines, and newspapers. 

No glass is permitted

It is extremely dangerous to sorting facility employees (and value is low too). 

There are 20 Binnie Recycling sites throughout Washington County to accept separated glass/paper/plastic/metal.

The two closest Binnie locations are: 

Smith's Marketplace parking lot (2.5 miles) 

(Bluff St & St George Blvd)In the Parking area between Walgreens and Smith's Fuel Center. 

Archie Gubler Park in Santa Clara (4.4 miles)

Located in southeast corner of the parking lot. 

Acceptable BluCan (Recycle Bin) contents:

All strong plastic bottles, jugs and containers are eligible for curbside recycling.

Rinse residual food off and shake off water before placing items in recycling bins. 

Please clean and dry containers before placing them in your BluCan. 

Plastic lids and caps if they are attached to their container.They are too small to pass through the recycling machinery alone.Soft flimsy plastic gets tangled in the sorting machinery.  It is too soft to be recycled.  This includes things like water bottle wraps, flimsy grocery bags and bubble wrap.When one or more non-recyclable items contaminates a recycling load, it’s known as a contamination event. These items include trash bags, plastic bags, milk crates, Styrofoam, greasy cardboard and dirty food containers.  Contamination charges are paid by us all in raised for details about all things related to trash and recycling.

Lost/Missing/Broken Trash or Recycle Cans 

Washington County Solid Waste will repair or replace damage or defective cans.

Waste Container Orders & Repairs (online)  -or-(435) 673-2813  extension #2Allow 1 week for repair/replacementAfter receiving the confirmation with date, leave the can out on the day after the normal trash service day.(Repairs/replacements are done on Thursdays) We recommend you write your Unit Number on the new can with a Sharpie.

Large Item Disposal 

Republic Services 

(435) 628-2821 Give them the following information: Address:  1921 W 540 N, 84770Your Unit and telephone numberThey will give you a date for pick-up. Place the items to be removed out in front of your home, 5 feet from your garbage can. They will come and pick up the items sometime during your normal trash pickup day. 
Most large items will be removed free of charge.Refrigerators/Freezers/Air Conditioners appliances which have refrigerant must pay a $55 charge for removal/recycling.They won't ask for the HOA account number.

Washington County Landfill

Washington County Landfill

330 N Landfill Rd., Washington, UT 84780 (435) 674-7623  
Hours:  Mon-Fri 7am-5:30pm   Sat 7am-3:30pm   Sun closed 
No Charge for Residential Use of less Than 1-Ton per Month.

Hazardous waste disposal 

(paint, gasoline, pesticides, chemicals, etc.) 

WCSW landfill is not permitted to accept hazardous waste. 

Household Hazardous Waste Day is held twice per year for residents. 

On these days, Washington County collects the Hazardous Waste materials and the takes then to an different landfile that is approved Hazardous Waste.

2025 HHW days are April 12th & October 11th – 8:00am-12:30pm The following are accepted *only* on Hazardous Waste days at the Landfill:  aerosol cans, bulging batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, fuel, herbicides, medical waste, paint, paint thinners, pesticides, propane, and paint supplies. Washington County Landfill
330 N Landfill Rd., Washington, UT 84780 

What about disposing of ...

The following items can be brought to the Landfill for disposal.

Do *not* put these in the regular trash or BluCan containers! 

Electronics, Vehicle Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries, Appliances (no fee), Freon-containing Appliances (Air Conditioners + Refrigerators) $37 fee, and Tires (small fee)