Level 2 Adventures
Snow Canyon/West Canyon Overlooks (hiking)
Red Mountain Trail Red Mountain Trailhead, Dammeron Valley (14 miles to Trailhead)Red Mountain Trail Map (to Overlooks only)1.8 mile hike to Red Mountain / Snow Canyon Overlook Trail junction Snow Canyon Overlook via Snow Canyon Overlook Trail is 0.5 miles further (2.3 miles total one-way)West Canyon Overlook via Red Mountain Trail from junction is 0.7 miles further (2.5 miles total one-way)Overlooks are 4.6/5.0 miles round-trip -- Incredible views - Moderate/Difficult hike Other notes:No trail signs exist after the Snow Canyon Overlook trail junction sign (which is frequently down or missing).Be Prepared - GPS - Map -Water - Food - Proper clothing for the season.GPS Waypoints37.278390, -113.653854 Red Mountain Trail Parking Area 37.258725, -113.666663 Red Mountain / Snow Canyon Overlook Trail junction 37.252737, -113.666146 Snow Canyon Overlook 37.256664, -113.674581 West Canyon Overlook Red Mountain Trail Map (entire trail)Red Mountain Trail continues into Red Mountain Wilderness to IvinsFor serious hikers only, well prepared. and ready for anything nature throws at you. Heat in the summer and cold in the winter are combined with a trail exposed to the wind and elements. Trail is poorly marked, and it might *only* be 9.5 miles but it is not for the unprepared.
Worthwhile, but not casual hikes
Snow Canyon Petroglyphs
Close, but challenging to find. Not so much a hike, as an overland diversity and rock-scrambleThe officially sanctioned access is currently from either:Chuckwalla Trailhead Parking (2.6 miles) via Gila Trail northbound—or— Snow Canyon Scenic Overlook Parking (7.8 miles) via Gila Trail southbound —possible "Trailhead" Parking—This is the generally used access point: West side of Hwy 18 at milepost #?? (37.176865341479484, -113.61910475952378)
Snow Canyon State Park and the City of St. George are working on a new right-of-way passage.Specific location and status are currently unknown. It is believed that this is the reason Hwy-18 has this very wide shoulder/apron for parking that bluntly ends at the 'right' place.
GPS Points on the 'path' (Keep in mind there is some drift and inaccuracies in cell-phone GPS coordinates):37.184841,-113.623392 4400 N Trailhead (CLOSED - don't use) 37.181239, -113.623779 4200 N Trailhead (CLOSED - don't use)
37.17665945507241, -113.6191206717706 Hwy 18 - probably the new 'official' route parking area 37.17638123187294, -113.62398322158077 4400 N crossing/reorientation point 37.17612811731541, -113.62667869032848 Fenceline and gates immediately before reaching the Gila Trail 37.176941, -113.626873 Start of Gila Trail north-west traverse with small switchback section37.17882217951839, -113.62928636841478 Gila Trail marker restarting 'northerly' trail37.18012443792554, -113.62904502119892 1st trail marker showing petroglyphs symbol (getting close!)37.181336030412254, -113.62808187405848 4th trail marker showing petroglyphs symbol (very close!)37.182303378112124, -113.62810070680425 Last trail marker at entrance to slot canyon (turn around and look slightly right)37.18213669502639, -113.62819994852887 Slot Canyon Twisted Tree and Petroglyphs
Still want more - known locations, but unverified coordinates - only continue if you have lots of time and are willing to look a bit.37.184028, -113.627306 Small Slot Petroglyphs 37.185374, -113.626847 Newspaper Rock Petroglyphs 37.186548, -113.630634 Sinking Ship Rock Petroglyphs
Trail notes: Parking to Gila Trail and northward After leaving the Parking area, you almost immediately pass over the SR-18 multi-use paved north-south trail. Head directly west as best as you can. Don't stray far from due west, but don't worry, you will have a chance to correct when you get to 4400 N. This is totally overland with many twisting 'paths', but no official trail. Much of it is deeper sand that is sometimes challenging. Keep heading west and you will eventually reach 4400 N, a north-south unimproved road. Reorient yourself north or south along the road if needed, to approximately 37.17638123187294, -113.62398322158077 and continue directly west.If you have gone straight west from the last coordinates, you will encounter a fence with two gates at about 37.17612843111,-113.62667557407934.Continue directly west and less than 50' later you will encounter a north-south singletrack trail. This is the Gila Trail. Turn right and head north-ish. You will stay on Gila Trail all the way to the Slot Canyon.Gila Trail is pretty well marked and as of January 2025, has markers every few hundred feet or less. Stay on Gila Trail and don't bushwack. There isn't a 'better' route.There are some slickrock sections, but they are still pretty well marked with cairn pedestal trail signs. At first there is a short northward section, then a small slickrock section west-northwest, then primarily northbound with small slickrock sections. 37.18012443792554, -113.62904502119892 is the 1st trail marker showing a petroglyphs symbol.
Last marker on the Trail before Petroglyph Canyon: 37.182273460662365, -113.62809534238663The Petroglyph Slot Canyon (and twisted tree): 37.18212925278649, -113.62819746530626
Do's Watch for trail markers for Gila Trail - they are currently (usually) visible from at or near the last one. Have a GPS and map and a printed satellite view of the terrain.
Dont'sDon't run across Hwy 18 — park on the west side entering from the southbound lanes. Don't park on 4400 N or on 4200 N near the houses, or you will be ticketed or towed. Don't touch the petroglyphs! The oils from your fingers damage the petroglyphs.Your cell-phone camera may show details your eye doesn't catch immediately. Leave at least 1 hour before expected sunset. In Winter, you should be leaving the petroglyphs at 4:30pm at the very latest Return hike takes ~40 minutes to get back to parking area, *if* you are hurrying and *if* you don't get lost. Allow more time if you are a slow hiker, and much more if you went onward to Sinking Ship Rock.
Coyote Buttes North (The Wave)
You have probably seen photos of The Wave This is something amazing, but extraordinarily difficult to get a Permit/ticket for. The entire area is a managed Federal Wilderness Area. This means the *only* toilet you will see is at the Parking Area.Daily Limit: 64 people per day - all assigned by lottery If Permit is won, entrance fee is currently $7 per person (or dog) and proposed to rise to $20 per in 2025. Your entire group must stay together at all times, whether 2 or 6. Two groups cannot merge. A family of ten (even with two Permits) cannot become a group of ten.
Requires Permits obtained via Advanced Online Lottery (~3 months in advance) for a very lucky few.—or— if you are willing to travel to Kanab region for a *chance* to win the Daily Lottery for two days later.
Don't just show up at the Trailhead - you *will* be turned away.Wire Pass Trailhead and Parrking Area (130 miles)Coyote Buttes North Trail (2.6 miles each way)
Coyote Buttes North Advanced Lottery - Online Only (for period exactly 3-months in advance)
The lottery is "open" for an entire month to everyone 18+ with a Recreation.gov account. Each Month on the 1st, the Lottery is held and awarded, and the NEXT Lottery period opens.Drawing is for one of three dates you select in the monthly permit window (still three months away.) You only get three chances/dates in any given month. The dates you choose ARE the Lottery dates you have entered. You can't ever win more than one Permit. You cannot enter a Lottery more than once during any month. If your 1st date hits, that is your date, and your name is removed from the other draws.Choosing a weekend date will probably reduce your chances, because many people only want weekends, so more people might choose *that* date. Each date's lottery is independent of the others, and your date choices dictate which dates/days lottery you are in.
For example, the entire month of November is open for Applications, with the Lottery drawing on December 1st at 9am, for permits on one of three dates *YOU* choose in March. If one of your dates wins, you get a Permit for that day (and ONLY that day).
There is a $6 filing fee for each entry, but you can only enter once per monthly period. Maximum group size is six persons, no exceptions.You should also select at least one Alternate at the time you enter the lottery, because if you can't make it (even if you are in the hospital), and there is no Alternate, nobody in your group can go. A maximum of three Alternates can be designated.Other persons in your intended group can also apply for the lottery potentially increasing your odds.
HOWEVER !!: You can only be an Applicant OR an Alternate *once* in any given lottery period. The next month, you can apply again.
This can get tricky, because you want to maximize your chances, but still have at least one Alternate within your group for each lottery entry.
Permits cannot be Rescheduled for any reason and Permits are Non-Refundable.They are also Non-Transferable (with the only exception being, transfer to one of the three Alternates you declared when you entered the lottery). You can't designate Alternates after you submit your entry.
Permits are mailed via USPS to the address specified when to applied 4~6 weeks after winning.
Coyote Buttes North - Advanced Lottery FAQ
Coyote Buttes North Daily Lottery - The OTHER way (for date two days later)
You used to have to appear in-person at the BLM office in Kanab on the morning of the drawing - No More.The Daily Lottery is now being conducted in a new way using the Recreation.gov App on your phone. Apple IOS —or— Android Google PlayTo enter Daily Lottery, the person Applying for the Permit must be within the Daily Lottery Geofence area stretching from Kanab & Mt. Carmel Junction to Page, AZ. The App uses your phone's GPS and Cell Phone tower locations to determine if you are in the area and if so, it will allow you to enter the lottery. If not, your entry will not be accepted.
You don't have to be online at the drawing time (7pm) to win, but you must pay for, pick up your tickets, and you *must* attend the Mandatory Safety Briefing the next morning at 8:30am - UTAH time. If you miss the briefing, you lose your Permit. If you have not attended the Safety Briefing, you will be denied access the next morning. Only the Applicant/Alternate can pick up the Permit (not group members). Everything is based on UTAH time, even if you are in Arizona or the Navajo Nation.
Daily Lottery Process
Day 1Application: You must Apply between 6am and 6pm two days ahead of the desired entry date. Application is only possible through the Recreation.gov App on your phone/tablet.GPS Location Sharing must be enabled for the Recreation.gov App.When you apply, you MUST be within the defined GeoFence area. (PDF map download) If the App cannot determine your GPS location, or you are not within the GeoFence boundary, it will NOT accept your application.The Daily Lottery is conducted about 6:30pm.Lottery results are sent out to the applicant's email addresses at 7:15 PM this evening. You should receive results whether you win or lose. Results are also seen in the Recreation.gov Application. You *must* accept the winning lottery Permit -and- pay the required fees before 8am the next morning in the Recreation.gov App or the Permit is forfeited.Day 2Safety Briefing: Successful applicants must accept the permit and have paid fees by 8am Utah time and be onsite at a permit pickup location at 8:30am local time for the safety briefing in either Kanab or Page, AZ. Local time may be different between pick-up locations. During Daylight Savings, 9:30am in Utah is 8:30am in Arizona (except the Navajo Nation). Be sure of the exact time you need to be there. Arriving late will void permits.
Day 3Permit date: Permit-holders and their group have the entire day to explore Coyote Buttes North. If your Permit is for 2-persons, you cannot add another person the next day. NO CHANGES ARE PERMITTED.
Coyote Buttes North - Daily Lottery FAQ pageCoyote Buttes North - Daily Lottery FAQ (PDF)
Current locations for Daily Pass distribution and Safety Briefings currently appear to be:Kane County Office of Tourism 78 S 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741 (86 miles)-or- Page - Lake Powell Visitor Hub 48 South Lake Powell Blvd, Page, Arizona 86040 (159 miles)
This isn't a casual hike. And even if the conditions are unsafe, there are no changes or refunds. There are no toilets after you leave the parking area, no drinking water, no shade (and summer temps reach 100+ most days). Bring that WAG bag! See the Calf Creek Falls entry above if you don't know what that means. Winters can have ice, and in the rainy season, roads can be impassable and flash flooding is a serious danger. Stormy weather makes no difference to your Permit. Lightning is a real danger in a storm because you are completely exposed. There is no "Trail" and the route is unmarked (no signs at all). At the Safety Briefing they will give you a set of GPS waypoints and landmarks to orient yourself. People regularly get lost, and sometimes people die, usually from dehydration or exposure.NOTE!You *are* permitted to hire a guide through an Authorized Outfitter and Guide Service after winning which does not count against your group size limit. This is the one and only exception to any of the rules.Something to seriously think about.
The Odds
There is roughly a 3.x% chance of winning a permit (calculated with annually totals), which changes slightly from month-to-month. OutdoorStatus website claims that your odds improve slightly for winter Permits when applying for Advanced Lottery online, and slightly for summer Permits when applying for Daily Lottery. Either way, you are very lucky if you do get a Permit.Don't think about sneaking in either. Rangers are assigned every day to the Parking Area to control entry, and also to patrol the general area. They will always ask to see your Permit. The correct person in your group must be physically present in the group and show the Permit whenever you encounter them. A citation (at minimum) awaits anyone found without their permit.
Note about using Public Lands like Coyote Buttes (and other areas in Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness) and Calf Creek Falls
PACK IT IN - PACK IT OUT --- YES!!! EVEN THAT! Including Your Kids. Don't be *those* people. So many people visit these some of these places, especially Calf Creek Falls and Coyote Buttes North (The Wave) that this is a serious problem. QUOTE:"Restrooms are located at the trailhead. On the trail, all solid human waste must be carried out using portable human waste containment systems like a WAG Bag, short for short for “waste alleviation and gelling,” bags are a convenient, portable, and sanitary solution when you need to go on the go. Each bag is sealable, contains enzymes and polymers, and can be disposed of in regular trash receptacles. You can purchase these at the Escalante Interagency Visitor Center, 755 West Main Street, Escalante, Utah 84726 435-826-5499, at gear stores, or online. Visitors are responsible for providing their own waste removal system that is adequate for the size of their group and length of stay."In some unimproved public lands (BLM) areas you are allowed to dig a 'cat hole' 6"~8" deep and bury everything including the paper. Not true everywhere.