Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting
Board of Trustees Election
Board of Trustees Election
Proxy Designation
Proxy Designation
Print the form.
Fill out and return to any member of the Board of Directors
or Mail to Silver Creek HOA, 1732 W 540 N, St. George, UT 84770
or Email to SilvercreekBoardMembers@gmail.com
Proxy Designations
Proxy Designations
Every owner will receive by both mail and email, a Proxy Designation form that includes the option to declare that you will vote in person.
Please return the Proxy Designation in regardless of your plans!
NOTE: You can submit a Proxy Designation by email, but you cannot Vote through email.
Proxy Designations can be rescinded at the Annual Meeting, but your Proxy Designation is used to establish a quorum if you find you can’t make it. Proxy Revocation can only be done in‑person.In all cases, Proxy forms must be received prior to closing the floor for voting.
You may write "Board Proxy" to randomly assign an existing member of the Board‑of‑Trustees to vote for you.
The Signed and Dated Proxy Designation form must be:Submitted in-person to any current Board of Trustees member-or- Received by the HOA through USPS Mail-or- Received *from* the email address on file with Silver Creek HOA addressed to SilvercreekBoardMembers@gmail.comIf a Proxy Declaration is received from the email address on file with the HOA by 5:00pm on the date of the Annual Meeting, the dates/times embedded in the email data will act as timestamps, and the presumption will be that the Proxy it is valid unless other reasons exist to question the validity.